Wednesday 8 April 2015

The Evolution of Networking a Brief History

In the early days of computing the idea of computer networking did not exist computers or mainframes as they were known were large structures that took up entire floors of buildings. To transfer any data from these mammoth machines you would need to use a physical media such as magnetic tapes. As mainframes started to evolve they needed new ways in which they could move data these new mediums presented themselves in the form of remote terminal controllers or card readers that operated as subservient devices known as peripherals directly controlled by the mainframe. The first network connections that started to emerge at this point in time were very simple point to point or point to multipoint links. This limited the communications on a network to a small chain of physically connected devices where the mainframe controlled what communications were sent.

Over time these mainframe systems got smaller and more like the computer systems we are all familiar with so as the technologies evolved a new way to connect all of these separate systems to share communications without a mainframe arose. This need for a new method of communication brought about the emergence of the local area network (LAN) and along with it new technologies arrived such as IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.5.
The LAN was a shared media network and did not scale well so the solution that was devised to solve this issue was the emergence of bridged networks. The idea of a bridged network was to split the shared media network into separate segments to allow for better aggregation of bandwidth as now not all of the devices would be transmitting at the same time. The bridged network concept was later replaced by switches that allowed for many more improvements such as VLAN implementation and the spanning tree protocol that eliminated loops in a network just to mention a few.     

The final layer of communication that was added to these networks was routing, many different routing protocols were developed to allow networks to route traffic outside of a LAN and across the internet. As switches and routers developed so did the programmability of this hardware to deliver more secure and faster communications. If you refer to Fig 01.1 below it illustrates how software starts to play a role as the hardware becomes more efficient as it evolves over the years.

Fig 01.1

Before the emergence of Open Flow the protocol at the heart of SDN researchers were examining new ways to evolve the networks of the future. The earliest work recorded at programmable networks did not involve internet routers or switches but in fact surrounded ATM switches. Fig 01.2 below denotes the earliest technologies in existence that eventually led to the birth of Open Flow the protocol and the emergence of SDN.

Open signaling
Separating the forwarding and control planes in ATM switching (1999)
Active networking
Separating control and programmable switches (late 1990s)

Separating the forwarding and control planes in ATM switching (1997)
IP switching
Controlling layer two switches as a layer three routing fabric (late 1990s)
Separating control software, establishing semi-static forwarding paths for flows in traditional routers (late 1990’s)
Using admission control to dynamically provision policy (2010)
Using SNMP and CLI to help automate configuration of networking equipment (2008)
Virtualization Manager
Using plug-ins to perform network reconfiguration to support server virtualization (2011)
Separating the forwarding and control planes (2003)
Locating control plane intelligence in a centralized system(2005)
Achieving complete enterprise and network access and control using separate forwarding and control planes and utilizing a centralized controller (2007)
Fig 01.2

The two technologies to take note of from Fig 01.2 are Devolved Control of ATM Networks (DCAN) and Open Signaling. As you can see from the above description DCAN and Open Signaling both separated the forwarding and control planes in ATM switches and gave the control to an external device very similar to the controller function in SDN networks. This technology never fully gained the trust of IT Administrators and as a result never became a mainstream technology.  The rest of the technologies in Fig 01.2 all played a part in the steps required to get to where we are today with SDN.  It wasn’t however until the arrival of Open Flow that SDN was actually born the year was 2008 and researchers along with vendors had started to play with the idea of Open Flow. Open Flow was designed to allow researchers to experiment and innovate with protocols in everyday network. This concept was to become a defining change how the industry approached networking. It wasn’t until 2011 that SDN actually started to make an impact on the networking industry as many big named vendors such as Cisco started to implement the Open Flow specification into their products. The Open Flow specification indicates the protocol to be used between the SDN controller and the switch it also specifies the behavior that is expected from the switch.

If we look at this specification in more detail we can break it down into a number of bullet points the basic operation of an Open Flow solution is.
·         The controller populates the flow table entries on the switches
·         The switch examines incoming packets when it identifies a matching flow it carries out the action associated with the flow
·         If the switch cannot find a matching flow it forwards the packet to the controller and waits for further instructions on how to deal with the packet
·         The controller will update the switch with new flow entries as new patterns are identified this allows the switch to deal with these packets locally.
The best resource for information on the Open Flow standard is the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) established in 2011 by Deutsche Telekom, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Version and Yahoo. One of the most powerful aspects of Open Flow is the fact that it is open meaning researchers can contribute to new methods of network management, operation and control unlike the closed shop model of networking that exists in today’s network’s and as a result has lead to stifled innovation.

One major advantage of having an open source platform for networking is security; it is widely known that open source software tends to be a lot more secure than off the shelf distributions. This is due to the fact that open source can be peer reviewed by anyone interested in the field leading to faster discovery and patching of security issues and weakness before a product is introduced to a working environment. This is the type of innovation that networking has been lacking but with the introduction of SDN this is all starting to change.  

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